Gordon's Bay

Gordon's Bay

Monday, March 3, 2014

4 March 2014

I just got back from an adventure...I love adventures!

The goal was to get to the Cheetah park in Somerset West.  Well, that didn't happen, which reminds me of another difference here from in the states.  Directions.

When getting directions from anyone here, you have to know where things are.  Didn't make sense to me either...lol...but people give directions based on where things are instead of by street names or directional (north, south, east, west).  Example would be how to I get to the restaurant Pirates....well you go right at the petrol station, then go straight over the stop street to the second robot, then turn left and it's just passed the golf range on the right.

Ok, thanks......

lol, it makes me laugh everytime...and of course look up a map.  

We ended up at Gordon's Bay which was lovely.  It's a beautiful beach and we had a nice walk and chat.  Anyway, I may not have gotten my friend to her destination, but we had a lot of fun along the way.

Petrol Station = Gas Station
Stop Street = Stop Sign
Robot = Traffic Light
Straight Over = go through

Places to visit:
Gordon Bay
Miguel's Al Forno

Saturday, March 1, 2014

2 March 2014

Well, I've finally decided to start logging my experiences here is South Africa.  I've been here just over a year and I've learned a lot about integrating, culture, and really starting a new life in a new country.

When I first got here I remember the excitement of starting something new and how incredible it was to be here.  I was staying with a lovely family who turned out to be an extension of family to me.  Originally I was only scheduled to stay here until March of 2013, but....

One of the biggest things I think for me to get used to was the times stores close...and what shops carry things I'm used to.  The stores (shops as called here), close early and most businesses are closed by 5:30pm everyday.  There are a few malls that stay open until 7pm and then one open until 9pm during the week, but on weekends everything closes early.  Totally new concept for this California girl who knows 24hr stores!  As for finding things, that is a bit tricky as well, but I'm finding my way.  There are some products you just can't get here but I'm finding substitutes...or what I can live without. :o)

Another random thing that is different is television.  TV shows don't necessarily start on the hour and on the half...they can start whenever and end whenever.  Commercials aren't as prevalent so they don't have as many within the scope of the show.  They do have music videos and short shows in between to make up the difference for an hour show or half hour show.

Places to go:
Game - similar to Target
Macro - is run by Walmart, but very clean and no strangeness...on regular days...lol

So here are some vocabulary words for today:

Stores = Shops
Car Trunk = Boot
Napkin = Serviette
Fanny Pack (don't ever say this) = Moon Bag

Anyway, more for next time.  Adventure awaits!